Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cloth diaper wipes = awesome Kleenex

I've been sick for 5 days. It feels like two weeks! I get sick(ie: hab a code) once a year tops. Even as a nurse. But not being able to sleep all day seriously inhibits the getting better part of being ill. Boo. Good news Amanda has not gotten "the plague" as I have termed my illness!!! Good hand hygiene and hand sanitizer win!

If she sleeps 8 hours tonight I may recover yet (no, of course that isn't 8 hours straight! Have you met her? She's eats as often as her mama;).

Side note: I highly recommend using cloth diaper wipes as nose hankies. Saved my nose from rawness. Mine are actually a cut up old receiving blanket.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Toothless baby smile

T minus 45 minutes til I send my computer out for it's brain overhaul....But I just got a toothless baby grin after weeks of trying!!! Noel called her "Toothless" after the dragon by the same name in "How to Train Your Dragon." Plus a few Easter pics. I haven't had any time to edit them yet, but the cuteness cannot be denied!

"mommy, this taffeta is itchy!" 8 weeks

9 weeks

"Toothless" grin finally captured! It really does distort her entire face!
She was having happy time in the sink with the hair drier while I got ready.

Baby photos, what you came here for, right?!

Mi chiquita bebe
12 days "late" - perfect time for her
already following family tradition
Born at home in the kiddy pool in the kitchen into my (tired) waiting arms
Yes that would be a drug free birth, natural oxytocin is awesome
as is a kickass doula friend
Isn't she just perfect?!
8 pounds, 10 ounces, 20 inches long, 14 inch head

gotta love that she got her daddy's lips

still connected to mommy, not happy to be outside her personal perfect temp amnio pool, working her lungs to the fullest

Sorry the rest are not in order....
2nd evening, already trying to hold her own head up

2nd day sunbathing, supposedly my half-brown baby is jaundiced...or maybe she is just light brown!

20 hours new

18 hours, very sleepy

5 hours old, second nursing, she is a champion latcher
what cute cloth diaper covers, my skinny 16 day old chica

my little cross eyed pink convict, 15 days

13 days, you see any resemblance? at least she came out of me :)

10 days

10 days in her jammies

first real bath, not happy, she would rather have bath time with mommy

5 days, first time in carseat for trip to chiropractor, not okay with it

day 3, very milk drunk, still with swollen eyes

3 weeks

7 weeks, finally caught a smile

7 weeks

in the soccer clothes her Honduran gramma sent, mi catrachita

Pre-baby photos galore

I MUST send in my (dying) computer today. No More Procrastinating! So here are a recap of the months before baby
The day AFTER Amanda was due to be born, waiting...
8 days after Amanda was due, still waiting....

11 days after she was due, 28 hours before Amanda was born. I had a pre-contraction feeling! Last minute photo sesh

between 30 and 32 weeks, mama brain cannot recall

32 weeks, taking photos in the ER bathroom

Panchita at 26ish weeks

24 weeks pregnant, finally a decent bump

Ze baby basics

Amanda arrived March 6th just after midnight. She was born in a giant kiddy pool in my parent's kitchen. I caught her! It was awesome! She came out at 8 pounds, 10 ounces, 14 inch head, at least a pound larger than expected. So much for small people make small babies. But hey chunky babies are healthy babies. I liked like Buddha by the time I was three months so we shall see if she becomes a chunkette ;) More in her planned (awesome) homebirth later when she's not sleeping (trying to obey the new golden rule "sleep when baby sleeps").

And happy mother's day to me! Motherhood is much tougher than I imagined. And everyone knows I love challenges. But my life is now dictated by the whims & demands of a VERY communicative baby girl. Problem is her cues all look pretty similar. But she is flipping adorable, a good cuddler (I've only gotten a fat lip 2x from her head butting), smells like delicious milk,smiles like Toothless the dragon & makes me the happiest mama ever!

Off to drink my mama's day wine in bed with a little side 'o chocolate and give my girl one last snuggle before I make myself put her in the cosleeper. If I don't I get beaten up by her active arms & legs allll night, quite the active sleeper this one. And if not highly milk drunk she considers swaddling to be a straight jacket torture method & grunts til I let her out.

Life gets busy & busier

Hmmm excuses why I haven't written a darn thing since October. Yes 7 whole months.
In chronological order:
1- Noel LOVES netflix & takes over the computer when he gets home, which was before me
2- I wasn't sure if anyone read it. Not that I told more than 5 people...
3- I was pregnant, had a full time job & loved sleeping in
4- I decided it was a good idea (pregnancy brain?!) to plan ahead for my return to grad school & take Pharm for nurse practitioners online. At 7 months pregnant. A semester long class that bridged....
5- my baby Amanda's birth!!!
6- we moved at 8 months pregnant
7- see #5!

But now (I think) I'm ready to try again. In advance forgive the unusual grammar. Sleep deprivation saps my English language skills. And Spanish too, Noel has been correcting me alot lately, which hasn't happened in ages.

Let's do a quick photo recap (of those on my phone as the computer told me last week "replace hard drive!). These are the pics I have on my phone...Nevermind I am not smart enough to figure that out. Next time I swear!!!