Monday, July 9, 2012

Life moves on

I had pretty much given up on bothering to blog because it is clear that I do not keep up well. The year plus long gap, well, I did log in, but nothing thrilling enough jumped into my brain. Life is as exciting as always with a toddler, especially because summer started a week ago. The garden has comes alive and Amanda spends most of the day in a state of semi-nakedness on the porch. It is awesome :) Sun makes my mood soo much better. No this following photo isn't of our northwestern weather. We vacationed in Hawaii!

In not so awesome news I "start" my clinicals to be a family nurse practitioner (FNP). In quotes because I have yet to find preceptors. I start in 1.75 months and therefore am completely freaking out as any control freak nurse/nursing student would be. We do not like uncertainty, especially when courses are only offered once a year. I really don't want to wait a whole year to start! I am nervous to the point of paying a ridiculous (non refundable) sum of money to have a company help me locate preceptors. Seriously. In my mind this is the only downside to completing my degree online. Online FNP schools do not arrange your clinicals because they cannot possibly have contacts in every state.


While the preceptorship drama unfolds I also need to take Amanda to Honduras to visit the family there..... Not to make it sound like a chore. It is just one more thing on my plate.