I knew babies grew quickly but being with her everyday I don't notice it unless I look back through photos. Here are months 2, 3 and 4. Note progressive lack of hair! My baby girl is balding, now down to a mohawk and mullet at 4.5 months! The big developments were growing a booty and face cheeks during month 3 by nursing every 1-1.5 hours. I am happy she gets a booty as finding jeans is much harder without one ;) Now nearing the end of month 4 she has started sleeping 6 hours at a stretch without crying or nursing. Not every night but I am grateful all the same. We call her pterodactyl baby because loves to talk in a screechy voice. Sometimes I can't get a word in edgewise!
2 months: in the Peruvian hat Katy sent. I tried to shrink it to no avail |
2 months: sleepy head |
3 months: I found my hands. They are incredibly delicious and never run out of flavor! |
3 months: She makes many faces and loves to talk |
3 months: Hanging out with Lily on the porch |
3 months: upside down time is second best to naked time! |
4 months: Mommy makes me wear these silly headbands because I have lost almost all my hair!
Don't worry she only picks ones that do not dent my head. |