Monday, May 9, 2011

Baby photos, what you came here for, right?!

Mi chiquita bebe
12 days "late" - perfect time for her
already following family tradition
Born at home in the kiddy pool in the kitchen into my (tired) waiting arms
Yes that would be a drug free birth, natural oxytocin is awesome
as is a kickass doula friend
Isn't she just perfect?!
8 pounds, 10 ounces, 20 inches long, 14 inch head

gotta love that she got her daddy's lips

still connected to mommy, not happy to be outside her personal perfect temp amnio pool, working her lungs to the fullest

Sorry the rest are not in order....
2nd evening, already trying to hold her own head up

2nd day sunbathing, supposedly my half-brown baby is jaundiced...or maybe she is just light brown!

20 hours new

18 hours, very sleepy

5 hours old, second nursing, she is a champion latcher
what cute cloth diaper covers, my skinny 16 day old chica

my little cross eyed pink convict, 15 days

13 days, you see any resemblance? at least she came out of me :)

10 days

10 days in her jammies

first real bath, not happy, she would rather have bath time with mommy

5 days, first time in carseat for trip to chiropractor, not okay with it

day 3, very milk drunk, still with swollen eyes

3 weeks

7 weeks, finally caught a smile

7 weeks

in the soccer clothes her Honduran gramma sent, mi catrachita