Sunday, October 3, 2010

Head Butting? Flips?

Panchita started moving! I was sure it was baby over a week ago, kind of feels like I am getting head butted on the low pelvic area. It took almost a week for Noel to feel'm, but I did my best by eating a whole bag of sour gummy worms :) Within 15 minutes baby was squirming around almsot every minute!

The day after Noel was able to feel Panchita moving around the fetal doppler I ordered arrived. I want for for peace of mind just in case I ever don't feel movement for a day or so. Peace of mind costs $50 :) I found the heartbeat really low in the same place I feel the movement, which makes me think it is head butting as there feet do  not have heartbeats. Panchita is the size of a large mango.

You may have noticed I switched to calling baby Panchita. No we didn't find out the gender, and still don't plan to, but I decided that so as to not be surpised if Panchita comes out a girl I should switch off using the male and female versions of the name.

I also finally gained weight! Between 4 and 6 pounds, quite proud of myself actually :)